Lemont, IL…State Representative Nicole La Ha and her daughter attended the bill signing today for HB0793, the Dignity in Pay Act. Following the bill signing, she released the following statement:
“Today, my daughter and I were able to attend the “Dignity in Pay” bill signing,” Rep. La Ha said. “This law states people who live with disabilities now will receive at least minimum wage. This is not a perfect bill; however, I feel it’s a good start to recognizing the contributions our loved ones can make.
This ceremony is an opportunity to celebrate progress, but also a call to be relentless in ensuring this is successful here in Illinois, for the sake of this community and all our loved ones who live with disability. Now more than ever, we must support business owners choosing to employ our loved ones so they can continue to host these opportunities successfully.
Much work is still needed, but today was a special moment to share with my daughter. I hope she always knows I will be here fighting for her and others just like her.”
Rep. Nicole La Ha proudly serves the people of the 82nd District.