Rep. La Ha Responds to Madigan Verdict

Today, Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan was found guilty on 10 counts of conspiracy, bribery, and wire fraud. In response, State Representative Nicole La Ha released the following statement:

“Today’s verdict confirms an important truth; no one is above the law. While justice has been served in the case of former Speaker Michael J. Madigan, the damage done to our state’s political system cannot be undone with a single conviction. Decades of corruption have left a lasting impact, and Illinoisans deserve better from their government.

House Republicans have been calling for stronger ethics reforms for years, pushing for measures that would bring real accountability to Springfield. We’ve introduced legislation to prevent lawmakers from using public office for personal gain, strengthen oversight, and close the loopholes that have allowed corruption to fester. But these efforts have been repeatedly blocked.

Illinoisans are tired of broken promises. If we truly want to move past the Madigan era, we must pass real reforms that prevent this from happening again. The people of Illinois deserve a government that works for them—not for the powerful and well-connected. As always, House Republicans are ready to take tangible action. The question is: will our Democratic colleagues finally stand with us in restoring trust in state government?”

Rep. Nicole La Ha proudly serves the people of the 82nd District.