State Representative Nicole La Ha is proud to participate in the DuPage Love Purse Drive. The #LovePurse movement collects new purses that are filled with personal care items, toiletries, menstrual products, and notes of encouragement to distribute to women in need, those who are unhoused, and survivors of human trafficking and domestic violence.
From now until Oct. 31, bring a new or gently used purse, and women’s personal items to Rep. La Ha’s District office located at 106 Stephen Street, Suite 102 B in Lemont during regular business hours. All donations will be collected at the end of the month and distributed to survivors of domestic abuse and local women in need. Additional drop-off locations listed on the flyer below.
The #LovePurse movement is a small way we can support and uplift women in need and survivors of domestic violence. Please reach out to Rep. La Ha’s district office with any questions at 630-410-8466.
Rep. Nicole La Ha proudly serves the people of the 82nd district.