Thanks for continuing to stay tuned in to my bi-weekly updates! I love the opportunity to check-in with you and let you know the latest happenings that affect our lives and families.
Today, I’m going to let you know how I’m fighting to lower property taxes, an important update for seniors, what I’ve been up to in the community, and a reminder about my upcoming summer events!
I hope you’re having a great summer so far, and I’m looking forward to connecting with you again soon!

Taxpayers Deserve Relief!
According to a Wallet Hub study released in February 2024, Illinois has the second-highest property tax burden in the country. Illinois has a statewide 2.23% property tax rate burden when all 102 counties are combined.
The facts are clear, Illinoisans have one of the highest overall tax burdens – largely due to out-of-control property tax rates. Yet, as families struggle to make ends meet, the majority party has done nothing to address high property taxes. Instead, they focus on adding social programs to our General Revenue liabilities while failing to properly fund education and local governments as promised in the 1970 Illinois constitution.
Property taxes in Illinois are out of control, placing an undue burden on our hardworking families. It’s time for real change and genuine relief. I am committed to fighting for lower property taxes, ensuring that our communities can thrive without being weighed down by excessive tax rates. Together, we can make Illinois a more affordable place to live.
Numerous proposals I’m supporting would freeze, suspend, or outright reduce property taxes, various sales taxes, income taxes, and fuel taxes throughout this General Assembly. Democrats have refused to call these tax relief proposals for a vote, instead opting to raise nearly $1 billion in tax hikes in the new State Budget and to shift the burden of tax hikes onto local governments at the end of the Spring Session.
Included in the tax relief measures I’m supporting are:
HB4242: Increases the amount of the homestead exemption for persons with disabilities from $2,000 to $4,000.
HB4244: Increases the income limit for the Senior Citizen Homestead Exemption from $65,000 to $80,000.
HB4866: Requires the State Board of Education to establish a program to award property tax relief grants to school districts across the state, 100% of which would go to taxpayers in the form of property tax relief.
HB4229: Makes licensed day care facilities that are exclusively used for charitable purposes exempt from taxation.
As legislators, we have a responsibility to make the lives of our constituents easier, not harder. Continuing to raise taxes while we’re all struggling through the reality of inflation is tone-deaf and unacceptable. I will continue to fight for tax relief in any way that I can.
Around the District
It’s officially summer and I’m so excited to have the opportunity to do so many different things in our communities! I wanted to share some highlights with you.
I got to attend the Lemont Emergency Management Team’s Open House event! It was an honor to talk to them and learn about all the amazing work they do to keep us safe. I was also invited to speak at an event put on by the Chicago Bar Association regarding Human Trafficking. Visiting Timothy Christian Schools in Elmhurst was another wonderful opportunity, as well as getting to tour the Ray Graham Association.
Thank you to all of these organizations that make our community what it is! I’m grateful to each and every one of you for the incredible work you are doing for the people who call District 82 home. I look forward to many more chances to partner with you and support your causes as we work toward making life better for everyone we serve.

Meals on Wheels Made More Affordable
Seniors and those in need in Illinois scored a big win with the passage of Senate Bill 3476 last month. This legislation creates a sales tax exemption for home-delivered meals, such as Meals on Wheels providers, when payment is made by an intermediary as part of a Medicare or Medicaid program.
This legislation will make a significant difference in the lives of so many individuals who rely on programs like Meals on Wheels for nutritious meals. By providing this sales tax exemption, we are ensuring that these crucial services remain affordable and accessible to those who need them most.
The Illinois State Bar Association, Illinois Department of Revenue, and Illinois Chamber of Commerce were proponents of this legislation. These meals were already supposed to be tax-exempt, however, due to federal contracting with third-party intermediaries to administer portions of the Medicare and Medicaid programs, providers of home-delivered meals to these recipients have been incurring sales tax liabilities.
Seniors and other people in need have relied on programs such as Meals on Wheels for decades. Last year alone, with the help of more than 500 volunteers, Meals on Wheels of Northeastern Illinois delivered more than 100,000 meals. Meals on Wheels Chicago has helped seniors and those with disabilities for more than 35 years, serving just under five million meals per year. Its Home Meal Delivery program serves more than 13,000 individuals and runs in partnership with Open Kitchens and the City of Chicago.
Meals on Wheels serves over 2 million seniors annually in communities all across the country. Their network includes over 5,000 independently run programs. Volunteers are always needed, and to find your nearest provider or information on how to volunteer, visit Meals on Wheels America.
Summer Events
Don’t forget about our upcoming Summer Events! I’m proud to be offering the events below, all free of charge, to our communities. I’m co-hosting all events in partnership with Senate Leader John Curran!

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