Rep. Nicole La Ha Drops Off Donations from Diaper Drive

This past Friday, State Representative Nicole La Ha visited the Crisis Center for South Suburbia and released the following statement:

“Today I had a visit with the Crisis Center for South Suburbia to drop off the donations from our Mother’s Day Diaper Drive.

The Crisis Center for South Suburbia is a non-profit community organization that provides emergency shelter and other essential services for individuals and families victimized by domestic violence and addresses the societal issues that contribute to domestic violence. I was so moved by their passion and urgency to provide services and support to families that experience domestic violence.

Today, the Crisis Center for South Suburbia operates a 35-bed emergency shelter and has impacted the lives of more than 60,000 people. With a staff of more than 50 employees and a budget of over four million dollars, the Crisis Center continues to grow while offering free services to Chicago’s south suburban communities.

I am extremely motivated and committed to supporting them and their efforts to continue to provide these extremely important and vital services to those who need them.”

To learn more about how you can help this organization or can receive help please visit: Home – Crisis Center for South Suburbia (