Rep. Nicole La Ha Announces Passage of SB 3606 to Enhance Special Education Services

Springfield, IL… State Representative Nicole La Ha is pleased to announce the passage of Senate Bill 3606 in the Illinois House today, legislation that will enhance educational services for children with disabilities. Having now passed both the House and Senate, the bill moves to the Governor’s desk for final consideration.

“Senate Bill 3606 represents a crucial step forward in ensuring that children with disabilities receive the quality education they deserve, regardless of the setting,” said Rep. La Ha, chief co-sponsor of SB 3606. “I am grateful for this bill’s passage as I know the tremendous impact it will have on children with disabilities and their families.”

SB 3606 amends the Children with Disabilities Article of the School Code, expanding the definition of “special educational facilities and services” to include private special schools and separate public special education day schools. This legislative change is designed to ensure that all children with disabilities receive the support and resources they need to thrive academically.

The bill addresses tuition payment adjustments for children placed in separate public special education day schools. It adjusts state reimbursement rates going to public schools for high cost, high need, special education students. Currently, only public schools sending high need special education individuals to private special education schools get any reimbursement. With the passage of SB 3606, all school districts will be eligible for state reimbursement.

The Illinois Association of Administrators of Special Education advocated for passage of SB 3606 and thanked Rep. La Ha for her support.

“The passage of SB 3606 is the culmination of decades of advocacy for placement neutral special education funding in the State of Illinois. This bill will provide school districts with the same level of funding from the State regardless of whether a student is recommended for a public or private therapeutic special education school. The Illinois Alliance of Administrators of Special Education appreciates Representative La Ha’s support and applauds her dedication to the education of students with disabilities.”

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