As we continue the last scheduled week of the Spring Legislative Session, hundreds of bills are on the calendar and a new state budget still needs to be passed. Needless to say, it’s going to be a busy week.
Throughout this General Assembly, I have focused on supporting pro-family and pro-economy bills while opposing those that promote aggressive taxation and reckless spending. Your needs and concerns are my highest priority as I represent the 82nd District. Then, over the summer we will be ramping up our in-district constituent services and in-person events!
As always it is an absolute pleasure to serve our district and represent our beautiful community. Please feel free to continue reaching out to me and I look forward to seeing you all over the summer at our many events!
Keep scrolling to learn about those events, local news, and all the latest happenings in Springfield as we head into the busiest week yet!
Also, check out my official Facebook page and for more updates as they happen during the last scheduled week of our Spring Legislative Session!
Thank you for reading, and I’ll be back soon with more updates!

State Representative Nicole La Ha
82nd District
Professional Licenses Delay
During a subject matter hearing held at the Capitol last week to address ongoing delays within the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), the agency announced a revised deadline for implementing necessary updates.
Persistent delays, breakdowns in communication, lost applications, and general dysfunction have sparked bipartisan frustration with IDFPR, issues that were initially brought to light during a subject-matter hearing last summer. Since then, deadlines for improvement have come and gone, and the new date of June 8th was revealed last Wednesday.
At the same time IDFPR is facing significant delays impacting countless Illinois residents, including essential workers, a different state agency continues to improve efficiency. The Secretary of State is offering “do it online” renewals for driver’s licenses, marking a stark contrast to the troubles of IDFPR, which offers online renewals for only some licenses.
“House Republicans want to get people to work, so let’s fix the simple things, address the growing procurement issues and eliminate red tape,” said House Minority Leader Tony McCombie.
McCombie has been vocal about the issues at IDFPR and filed legislation to solve problems at the agency. The Leader introduced the License Convenience Act (House Bill 4855), to mandate the department to accept electronic payments for licenses and fees–but the bill was prevented from moving forward in the Illinois House, despite bipartisan support.
Summer Events
We are getting really excited for all of our upcoming summer events! I love meeting the people I serve in our community and more importantly learning about what’s important to them! We look forward to seeing you!
Here’s the full list:

Reminder: All of these events are FREE to the public!
A Peek into the State Capitol and Legislative Process
Check out the video below as I take you inside the State Capitol and give you a sneak peek of the legislative process.
Rep. Nicole La Ha Invites You into the State Capitol (Video) – Nicole La Ha (
Summer Reading Program

I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my summer reading program. This program encourages Kindergarten through 6th-grade students to immerse themselves in the world of books. Reading can open up unlimited possibilities, take you on many adventures, and keep your mind active and strong for years to come.
The program encourages participants to read a minimum of ten books over their summer break. Books over 150 pages count as two books. Hard copy forms can be picked up at the libraries below but are also available online at Summer Reading – Nicole La Ha ( Hard copies can be returned to my District Office at 106 Stephen Street, Suite 102 B in Lemont, IL 60439. Each participant will receive a special certificate from me!
-Homer Township Public Library District
-Lemont Public Library
-Palos Park Public Library
-Indian Prairie Public Library District
-Westmont Public Library
-Justice Public Library District
-Orland Park Public Library
For more information on my summer reading program, please contact my office at 630-410-8466 or visit State Representative Nicole La Ha Launches Summer Reading Program – Nicole La Ha (
Congratulations to Lemont High School Honors May 2024 Students of the Month!

Four Lemont High School students were honored with May Student of the Month accolades at the district’s Board of Education meeting on May 13. The honorees were senior Jason Piskule (Student Services), junior Vince Pecoraro (Special Education), sophomore Noah Telitz (Driver Education) and freshman Evangeline Topete (Health). Congratulations and great job on all your hard work!!!! I’m proud to be your representative.
Midway Park – Grand Opening

Midway Park is ready to reopen!
The park includes the following amenities:
- Wiffle ball field
- Permeable paver parking lot (51 spaces)
- Restroom facility
- State-of-the-art outdoor Fitness Court®
- Multi-sport court area
- Arborvitaes and native tree planting
To encourage active, healthy, outdoor activities, in addition to the sports areas, Midway will feature the Fitness Court®, a free, 7-movement bodyweight circuit training system designed for adults aged 14 and up of all abilities and fitness levels, developed by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, the Village of Willowbrook, and National Fitness Campaign, to expand free access to high quality workouts and create equitable access to exercise in our Village.
Lastly, a paved walking path surrounds the entire park, and almost 100 new, native trees provide shade and shelter for wildlife. At the south end they’ve added a butterfly garden and additional landscape features. Solar LED lighting will be used throughout Midway Park.
Midway Park is located at 209 Midway Dr, Willowbrook, IL 60527.