Capitol Crimes: In Our Own Backyards

It is happening in our communities. Often in our own backyards. Modern day slavery, also know as human trafficking, is occurring right under our noses.

Human Trafficking is a crime of exploitation. Traffickers profit at the expense of their victims by forcing them to commit illegal acts, perform free labor, and/or engage in commercial sex. Victims can be of any age, race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, immigration status, cultural background, religion, socio-economic class, and education attainment level.

The most vulnerable are often targeted by traffickers: Children in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, including foster care; runaway and homeless youth; individuals with substance use issues; migrant laborers, including undocumented workers and participants in visa programs for temporary workers; persons with limited English proficiency; persons with disabilities; and victims of intimate partner violence or other forms of domestic violence.

Human Trafficking takes an unimaginable toll on the lives of its victims. Survivors who not only struggle to overcome the physical and emotional impact of their enslavement must also deal with the legal ramifications of their actions from when they were trafficked.

Rep. Nicole La Ha has introduced the following bills to combat human trafficking:

HB 5134 seeks to amend the Sex Offender Registration Act to include trafficking in persons, involuntary servitude, and involuntary sexual servitude of a minor in the definition of “sex offense,” enhancing monitoring and protection measures.

HB 5466 proposes the removal of an affirmative defense for patronizing a minor engaged in prostitution, crucial for holding perpetrators accountable and safeguarding vulnerable minors.

HB 5467 addresses the statute of limitations for prosecuting trafficking offenses involving minors, ensuring that justice can be pursued at any time if the victim was under 18 at the time of the offense.

Several Illinois lawmakers including Rep. Nicole La Ha talk to Capitol Crimes’, Dean Abbott, about their efforts to combat human traffickers and make it easier for survivors of trafficking to get their lives back on track.

Listen to the Podcast below and follow the link to find all 5 episodes of “Capitol Crimes”:

Learn more about how Rep. Nicole La Ha and her fellow House Republicans are fighting against human trafficking here: Reps. La Ha, Sanalitro, Keicher, and Stephens Present Protect Victims of Human Trafficking Legislative Package (Video) – Nicole La Ha (