News From Rep. Nicole La Ha 3/26

Things have been picking up in Springfield as we continue the Spring 2024 Legislative Session. I’m excited to share with you updates on the Governor’s budget proposal, upcoming events I have co-hosting with Senator Curran, legislation I am co-sponsoring to support our local and state law enforcement, and more. Thank you for taking the time to stay informed, and read to the end to see the results of my legislative survey!

Governor Delivers Largest Budget Proposal in State History

Governor JB Pritzker delivered his State of the State and Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Address to a joint session of the Illinois General Assembly recently, detailing $X in spending and supported by $900 million in proposed tax increases for Illinois families and job creators. 

As a working mom, I’m glad to see Governor Pritzker propose eliminating the grocery tax, and look forward to working with local officials on how this proposal can deliver direct tax relief to families. However, he should not ignore the immediate challenges of inflation, crime, immigration, and the rising cost of living that our families face. We deserve a budget that is ambitious about finding bipartisan solutions. Let’s prioritize immediate relief for inflation, more robust support for law enforcement, and a fairer tax system, alongside our long-term goals. 

I am interested in the Governor’s health care initiatives and will be reporting back to you on legislation as it is vetted and debated. I hope you will share your thoughts with me on your priorities and your reactions on my website, 

Click here to watch my reaction to the State of the State and Budget Address: Rep. Nicole La Ha Shares Her Thoughts on SOTS and Budget Address (VIDEO) – Nicole La Ha (

Supporting Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods

I’m committed to supporting law enforcement efforts and ensuring the safety of neighborhoods across the 82nd District. I’m proud to be co-sponsoring two important pieces of legislation, HB 4423 and HB 4048, aimed at bolstering law enforcement recruitment and support. 

HB 4423, an amendment to the Illinois Police Training Act, establishes the Recruitment Division within the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board. This division will spearhead the Back the Badge program, which focuses on developing recruitment plans tailored to the specific needs and priorities of law enforcement agencies and communities. The division will work in collaboration with agencies to attract and retain diverse officers who reflect the communities they serve.

Similarly, HB 4048, an amendment to the Higher Education Student Assistance Act, creates the Returning Police Officers Loan Repayment Assistance Program. This program, administered by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission, aims to alleviate the burden of student loans for police officers who have left law enforcement. By offering financial assistance, the program encourages officers to return to service, particularly in areas facing critical shortages of law enforcement personnel.

I’m fully committed to fostering partnerships between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve. By investing in our police force and incentivizing their return to service, we can work towards building stronger, safer communities across the 82nd District and all of Illinois. 

Protect Victims of Human Trafficking Press Conference

Last week, I joined my colleagues Reps. Keicher, Sanalitro, and Stephens to reveal our “Protect Victims of Human Trafficking Legislative Package.” Illinois is failing to protect women and children in our state from human trafficking predators. We must address systemic failures and root causes that have allowed human trafficking to thrive in communities across Illinois. By strengthening victim protections, holding perpetrators accountable, and closing legal loopholes, we are sending a clear message: Illinois will not tolerate the exploitation and victimization of its residents.

To learn more about this legislative package, click here: Reps. La Ha, Sanalitro, Keicher, and Stephens Present Protect Victims of Human Trafficking Legislative Package (Video) – Nicole La Ha (

Emerging Women Leaders Conference

I was honored to have had Patti Herbst and Kim Zoeller join us at the Emerging Women Leaders Recognition Conference. Both Patti and Kim are exemplary leaders in their fields. I invited them because their work aligns perfectly with the mission of our conference – to celebrate and support the advancement of women leaders.

Follow this link to read more about the event! State Representative Nicole La Ha Honors Two Guests at 3rd Annual Emerging Women Leaders Conference – Nicole La Ha (

Valentines for Seniors Drive

On Valentines Day, I was grateful for the opportunity to deliver hand-made Valentines to resident at Franciscan Village in Lemont. I personally delivered over 300 hand-made Valentine Cards donated by students at Homer Glen’s Schilling School, Darien’s Cass Junior High, Daisy Girl Scout Troop 7600, and the Indian Prairie Public Library in Darien.

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this meaningful Valentines Card Drive!

Upcoming Events

Legislative Survey Results

I’m excited to share the results of my online legislative survey. 

If you’d like to take the survey yourself, it can be found at La Ha 2024 Survey – Illinois House Republicans (

Thank you for reading, and I’ll be back with more updates soon!